Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Gold Rush

1) Relate what was discussed in class or the text to the screening.
In class, we discussed about Charlie Chaplin's biggest role to date; his movie "The Gold Rush". The Gold Rush was not only Chaplin's favorite role he played but as well what he was known for. This movie took over a whole year to make. Costing about $970,000 and grossed to $6 million. In class, we learned what a circular structure is in film terms. A circular structure is where a story ends is where is begins again. 
In the Gold Rush, it was really hard not to see the circular structure. The story first starts off in Alaska were Charlie Chapman's character, the Tramp, is trekking though a blizzard making his way to a small secluded cabin in the middle of nowhere. There, the Tramp, meets for the first time Big Jim McKay and ,the wanted criminal, Black Larsen. After going their separate ways, the Tramp wanders into town and goes into the Dance Hall for the first time. The zoom technique was used in the scene to emphasize the pain the Tramp felt when being rejected by his lover.  There he meets Georgia and with her confidence asks the Tramp to dance with her. The Tramp fall head of heels for the elegance lady. However, not everything is off to a good start. Georgia stands up the Tramp for their New Years Eve date. When Chaplin approaches the Dance Hall again he re-encounters Big Jim McKay and because of his head injury he needs Chaplin's help to relocate his mine of gold! Like we discussed in class, Chaplin's characters are usually known as the underdog and comes out on top in the end. At the end of the Gold Rush, Chaplin and Big Jim McKay end up millionaires and Georgia and Chaplin start their love affair literally right off the boat. 

2)  Find a related article and summarize the content.  


In this article named, Filming the Gold Rush, it describes what happened on the set of this historic Hollywood movie staring, the man of the time, Charlie Chaplin. When creating this movie Chaplin got his inspiration for the movie from  a book called Donner Party Disaster of 1846 and from old stereoscope pictures of the 1896 Klondike's gold rush. This stereoscope pictures displayed images of prospectors hiking up a huge mountain in search of gold. 

This movie took Chaplin almost a year and a half to create. While watching the movie you see a great deal of special effect that for that time period you, as a 2013 viewer, may have been surprised to witness. I was surprised seeing the model of the cabin that Chaplin, Big Jim McKay and Black Larsen all lived at become a smaller version of itself when it was hanging off of the cliff. Seeing the small characters hop out of the house and onto the snow was a interesting view.
 This film was "one of Chaplin's most accomplished films." It has been stated, not only in this article but in others that Chaplin wants to be remembered and known for this role and directing this.

3) Apply the article to the film screened in class. 
This article definitely changed my opinion on the film with connection to what we talked about in class. Before reading this article and even before our class watched this movie I had only known so little of Charlie Chaplin. In our class discussion I had learned he was one of the most recognizable comedians in the world. While watching the movie I had known why and when reading this article it helped give an understanding into the creation of this movie. Something that caught myself off guard about the article was just Chaplin's past. I do not believe that this article really fully described himself very well. I believe that in order to fully know who his was in his past or currently during the film I would have had to look somewhere else. The article explained his letting go of Lita Grey, his affair with her, she only being sixteen years old and their children; however, I don't think it made it did him justice. Unless, this was who he was and didn't make him seem like a swell guy. 

4) Write a critical analysis of the film.

This film was very interesting to watch and I completely understand why it was so popular; and still is. Charlie Chaplin, like we discussed in class was a amateur director; however, he created a simple film that had some much depth into it that you may not have fully noticed till after watching it and analyzing it. During a time of the roaring '20s movies were getting huge and everyone loved rooting for the underdog and mainly all of Chaplin's characters, like the tramp, were those underdog characters. He perfected the basis for a great classic film. He added the comedy with the "rolls scene" that till this day does not make people stop laughing and as well as the romance factor with his beloved Georgia. 

A very fun scene that stands out in my mind was when the Tramp and Big Jim McKay are waiting for Black Larsen to return with food and the two men become very hungry. In Big Jim McKay's eyes, the Tramp, turns into a huge delicious looking chicken. This really showed, in a funny and unqiue way, how hungry those men must of been during the actual gold rush. Even though this was just a Hollywood comedy it does actually show that those men had some hard times expecially if it blizzarded like it did in the movie. For a silent fillm, the characters did a very nice job displaying this feeling on camera. Even without words you can hear what they are trying to say to the audience without saying a single word. That is when you know your a good actor or actress is not only when you speak but your body language.

1) ( X ) I have not handed in this assignment for any other class.

2) ( X ) If I reused any information from other papers I have written for other classes, I clearly explain that in the paper.

3) ( X ) If I used any passages word for word, I put quotations around those words, or used indentation and citation within the text.

4) ( X ) I have not padded the bibliography. I have used all sources cited in the bibliography in the text of the paper.

5) ( X ) I have cited in the bibliography only the pages I personally read.

6) ( X ) I have used direct quotations only in cases where it could not be stated in another way. I cited the source within the paper and in the bibliography.

7) ( X ) I did not so over-use direct quotations that the paper lacks interpretation or originality.

8) ( X ) I checked yes on steps 1-7 and therefore have been fully transparent about the research and ideas used in my paper.

Name: Colleen McGovern  
Date:  9/30/13

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